Causes Of Elevated Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the measurement of the intensity of the blood pumping through the human body through the blood vessels and the veins to and from the heart. High pressure as well as low pressure of the blood is not ideal for any person to have. There is actually a normal range of blood pressure on which a person’s normalcy is based. Usually, blood pressure is measured in certain site sin the body. An instrument is used to measure the pressure in the body.

High blood pressure is something that usually alarms doctors because there are certain conditions and disease which are associated with it. The health of the individual is usually affected by the amount of pressure there is in the blood stream. The pressure is measured in systolic and diastolic pressure in accordance to a person’s heart beat.

Factors That Cause High Blood Pressure

The root cause of most cases of elevated blood pressure is unknown in an individual. There are factors that make a person prone to this condition but why this condition is present in people is not known. There are a few cases in which elevated blood pressure is due to some problems with the kidneys, narrowing of arteries and a physical abnormality of the aorta. Genes are also a culprit in a person’s susceptibility to elevated blood pressure. Families with a history of this condition should be aware of the contributing factors of the condition to be bale to prevent it from negatively affecting their lives.

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Many doctors often associate a rise in blood pressure to the mood of a person. Anger and agitation often contribute to this elevation of the pressure which is why many doctors advise a calm and non stressful life for those who have this condition. On the other hand, a rise in the blood pressure of a person who already has this condition may result to a headache and other side effects of a bout of elevated pressure.

A person’s diet is also suspected to contribute to elevated blood pressure as well as a person’s lifestyle and daily habits. Eating food high in cholesterol content as well as fatty and greasy foods adds up to plaque build up in the arteries resulting to the heart trying to pump more to get the blood through the tighter arteries. Smoking is also a leading factor that leads to elevated blood pressure. It is a factor to the hardening of the arteries and blood vessels which makes the pumping motion of the blood stream less efficient.

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