Components and Recommendations Of A High Blood Pressure Diet

A person with high blood pressure runs the risk of heart attacks, strokes and other organ damage if the condition is left unmanaged. Managing high blood pressure not only starts with a high blood pressure diet but also several lifestyle changes. While the root cause of high blood pressure is not known, there are several reasons why a person may have this condition. One of these factors is the genetic make up of a person. A family with high blood pressure is almost always sure to have children with the same condition if they are not careful with regards to a high blood pressure diet and their lifestyle. Other than a high blood pressure diet, quitting smoking and minimizing alcohol intake are also other recommendations that a doctor might have for those with the condition. High blood pressure medication is also another recommendation for those with ranges that exceed normal ranges.

High Fiber, Low Fat And Others

A high blood pressure diet is one of the most important things that a person with the condition may do to manage and control it. Doctors often recommend a high blood pressure diet to have more fiber to facilitate better cleaning of the digestive system as well as absorption of fats for better and faster waste elimination. Oats and other fibrous materials are best for those who wish to improve their high blood pressure diet. Other things that one may add to a high blood pressure diet are fruits and vegetables to meet the daily need of the body.

Minimizing the intake of saturated fats, oils and greasy, fatty foods also help to manage and control high blood pressure. A high blood pressure diet is sure not to contain full cream dairy products, instead milk may be skimmed or half and half while cheeses and butter should be taken as little as possible, unless they are low fat with minimal saturated fats.

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Salty foods should also be avoided as well as foods laden with cholesterol in a high blood pressure diet. Our body produces its own cholesterol which is minimal compared to what we normally eat. This is the reason why it is not necessary to eat much of cholesterol rich foods.

A high blood pressure diet is something that a nutritionist or a doctor may recommend to people who are in dire need of one. Since high blood pressure is not easily noticeable, it is best to have yearly or semi annual check ups with regards to one’s blood pressure if the family has a history of high blood pressure.

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