An Introduction to the Blood Pressure Monitor

There are several different types of blood pressure monitor available today that can effectively measure a person’s blood pressure levels. If you have ever visited a hospital or doctor’s clinic you must already be familiar with such devices which can be either a simple cuff that is used along with a hand pump or they can be some other kind of blood pressure monitors. It has now also become more common to see doctors as well as hospitals make use of electrically powered blood pressure monitors which give digital readings of a person’s systolic and also diastolic blood pressure.

Two most important Components

What’s more, though there are numerous different types of blood pressure monitors they will each has two most important components which is a cuff that is wrapped around your arm or wrist or even around a finger and there is a display or even a dial that shows the blood pressure levels. In addition, there can be other components including connections between the inflating device and the cuff and perhaps there might also be a stethoscope that may be used along with the other components.

Many people buy their own blood pressure monitor in order to measure their blood pressure at home and there are in fact a number of different styles to choose from. The home blood pressure monitor works pretty much the same as does the one that is used in hospitals or in doctor’s clinics but are a lot cheaper though at the same time you should not expect too accurate a reading from a home monitor.

It actually pays to ask your doctor to recommend a special brand of home monitors that are known to provide more accurate readings. At the very least an arm monitor helps to give more accurate readings and so should be preferred over the finger or wrist types. It is also a good idea to use the home monitor to measure your blood pressure several times in a day.

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In certain instances, a doctor might even recommend that you wear an ambulatory blood pressure monitor which helps to closely monitor your blood pressure patterns throughout the day.

One good reason why it pays to use a wrist blood pressure monitor is that such a device helps in eliminating the need of having to deal with the problem of an ill-fitting arm cuff since the circumference of your wrist is not affected by your body weight as is the case with the circumference of your upper arm. In fact, if a household has more than one person that requires getting their blood pressure measured then the wrist monitor is handier and a better option than the arm blood pressure monitor.

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