Should You Opt to Use A Free Blood Pressure Monitor?

On the face of it, it is certainly very possible to use a free blood pressure monitor which will come as very good news for anyone that suffers from high blood pressure condition and who needs to constantly monitor their blood pressure at home. In fact, such a means to monitor your blood pressure is also somewhat different than the way in which a normal blood pressure monitor works and is different than what you will find in a doctor’s clinic or in people’s homes. One point of difference is that a free blood pressure monitor is able to draw its power from batteries and this way of powering up the device ensures greater portability. It is for this reason that such monitors are becoming more and more popular and you can in fact now also find automatic free blood pressure monitors that can provide even more usefulness to users.

How Accurate Are These Devices?

However, it is necessary to first of all know just how accurate a free blood pressure monitor is. According to expert doctors, unfortunately, the free blood pressure monitor is often not accurate enough. So, if you are at a grocery store that offers you a chance to use their free blood pressure monitors then you need to be concerned that the readings obtained will be less than hundred percent accurate. The reason for this is that these free blood pressure monitors will generally not be well maintained and so their ability to provide accurate readings will suffer.

In fact, when you use such kinds of free blood pressure monitors you will find that the readings obtained will have very limited value to you. Furthermore, the cuffs on such free blood pressure monitors will probably not be of the right size for your arm and so it only adds to the risk of getting a less than accurate blood pressure reading. If the cuff being used does not cover a minimum of eighty percent of your upper arm, then the readings will not be accurate enough.

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Therefore it pays to spend a little money to visit a doctor and there have your blood pressure measured by a more accurate blood pressure monitor. The staff will be experienced and trained and this ensures that you will get better and more relevant and obviously more accurate readings.

Normal blood pressure levels are not the same today as they were not so long ago. Till very recently in fact the levels that were considered normal were a reading of 120/80. However, consequent to research findings on how blood pressure levels affect a person’s health these normal readings have been revised and now stand at ‘less than 120 (systolic) and less than 80 (diastolic).’ So, it pays to factor in these new levels before assessing your blood pressure condition.

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