Blood pressure problems are common in pregnancy and they are dangerous to both the mother and the fetus, but high blood pressure is more common and more dangerous than low blood pressure. High blood pressure is a serious condition and in the U.S., between 6% and 8% of all women have blood pressure pregnancies. You should know whether you are at risk a high risk of having a blood pressure pregnancy so that you can take preventative measures. You should be extra careful if you are under 20 or over 40, if you were obese before the pregnancy, if you are carrying more than one baby, if you have conditions that cause high blood pressure such as lupus and kidney ailments, or if you had chronic hypertension before the pregnancy.
Many pregnant women who have HBP end up having a healthy pregnancy, but this is no reason to be careless. You should start controlling your HBP the moment you decide you want to have a baby. Most of the measures taken to control HBP are also important in preventing and curing other conditions such as diabetes. You should seek treatment the moment you realize you have high blood pressure or the moment you realize you are at risk. There are several ways of controlling high blood pressure before pregnancy and one of them is getting medication or other treatments to control the condition from your doctor. You can control the condition by changing your lifestyle, meaning by changing your sedentary lifestyle and exercising more to lose weight.
The methods used to control high blood pressure before the beginning of the pregnancy are also the methods used to prevent high blood pressure in the first place and to control the high blood pressure after the pregnancy. Dieting is an important factor in controlling high blood pressure before and after the pregnancy. Your diet should be low in sodium and you should therefore cut on your salt consumption. Avoid processed foods and go for whole grains. To prevent a blood pressure pregnancy, you should avoid alcohol and tobacco consumption, you should make sure you get all the right nutrients, you should reduce your intake of saturated fats, and you should eat foods rich in vitamins.
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Gestational hypertension is high blood pressure in women who were free from high blood pressure before the pregnancy. It is treated just like normal high blood pressure. You should also learn how to control low blood pressure. This will help you better manage the condition. Although high blood pressure is the most common and the most dangerous blood pressure problem, it is important that you control low blood pressure too. Knowing your condition will help you make decisions that are more educated.