Possible Symptoms Of High Blood pressure

High blood pressure or hypertension is a condition in which a person’s heart rate is elevated compared to the normal blood pressure range of most people. There are implications that this condition can cause a fatality in many people especially those who are not aware that they have this condition. The symptoms of high blood pressure are usually very vague and non specific that these often get overlooked if the person does not have any idea that he or she may have high blood pressure.

Non Specific Symptoms Of High Blood Pressure

One of the vague possible symptoms of high blood pressure is a headache and throbbing ache at the nape. Although there is little evidence that these are specific symptoms of high blood pressure many people with high blood pressure often report that these are prevalent in them when their heart rate accelerates. Being dizzy is also another of the more subtle symptoms of high blood pressure. Accompanying the dizziness is a feeling of nausea that does not happen often to the person who may have high blood pressure.

Yet another of the subtle or non specific types of symptoms of high blood pressure is blurry vision. This symptom is the one that may cause a person to panic since it is not actually a common thing to have unlike dizzy spells or a headache. Most people see or feel the effect of this symptom which is why it usually prompts them to see a doctor or have a check up. It is notable that these possible symptoms of high blood pressure usually occur in the head region which may imply the possibility of a stroke.

Natural Management Of High Blood Pressure

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High blood pressure is not curable but can be managed to a certain extent. Medication is usually recommended by doctors as well as a high blood pressure diet and some lifestyle changes to manage and control the condition. Eating foods laden with cholesterol and saturated fats can ultimately contribute to high blood pressure. The symptoms of high blood pressure may or may not manifest as early as it is relatively safe for a person and the disease can develop overtime without the person ever knowing about it until it is too late. It is best to have a yearly check up for general physical health including a blood pressure check up. This will inform the person of his or her physical health and what to do about it.

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