A Guide to Low Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force with which the blood pushes against the walls of the arteries. Each time the heart beats, it pumps the blood into arteries, and blood pressure is highest when heart is pumping the blood. This is known as systolic pressure. Between the beats, the heart is at rest and the blood pressure falls, this is known as diastolic pressure. Both these pressure are important for the body. The normal range for blood pressure is 120/80, and if your blood pressure reading is 90/60, you have low blood pressure. Some people suffer from low blood pressure all the time, and for some people, the blood pressure falls due to medical condition or some event. Low blood pressure is a problem only if it causes fainting, dizziness or in rare cases, shock.

Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Blood pressure varies from person to person, depending on sex, race, age and environment. People who exercise regularly and athletes tend to have low blood pressure, and their heart rate is slower. In rare instances, it can be a sign of a serious or life-threatening disorder.

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There are many conditions that can cause low blood pressure. During pregnancy, the circulatory system of the woman expands rapidly, and blood pressure tends to drop by 5-15 points. Some heart conditions such as heart valve problem, low heart rate and heart failure also lead to low blood pressure as these conditions prevent the body from circulating enough blood.

Overactive thyroid (hyperthyroidism) or underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism) can also cause low blood pressure. In some cases, diabetes, low blood sugar and adrenal insufficiency can also cause blood pressure to fall. Dehydration, severe infection, blood loss, lack of nutrients in the diet and severe allergic reactions can also cause low blood pressure.

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