A Guide to Treatment for Low Blood Pressure

Low blood pressure, or hypotension is a difficult condition for the healthcare provider to address. Blood pressure is the force of the blood pushing against the walls of arteries. With each beat, the heart pumps out the blood into arteries, creating pressure. Blood pressure reading has two components, and is expressed as a ratio. Systolic pressure measures the pressure inside arteries while heart is contracting to pump the blood. Diastolic pressure measures the pressure within the arteries while the heart is at rest.

Treatment for Low Blood Pressure

Some people have low blood pressure all the time. For others, the pressure may drop due to medical condition or some event. Many people feel the symptoms of low diastolic blood pressure when they suddenly change the position, or stand up too quickly.

Usually, the low blood pressure that has no symptoms requires little intervention. However, if the blood pressure is associated with shortness of breath, chest pain, or occurs due to excessive bleeding, the treatment for low blood pressure must be given immediately in the emergency room.

In the emergency room, oxygen and intravenous fluids may be given, and monitoring of heart must be done. Blood transfusion for the bleeding patient, antihistamine and adrenaline for the patient having allergic reaction and antibiotics for the patient with infection is given. If blood pressure is abnormally low, doctor will prescribe observation in the hospital.

Causes of low blood pressure are not known clearly, hence no single effective treatment exists. The goal is to reduce the signs and symptoms of the blood pressure, and bring it to normal level. Some of the commonly used treatments for low blood pressure include using more salt, drinking more water, wearing compression stockings and using medications.

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One of the most effective treatments for low blood pressure is to follow a healthy diet. You must get all the essential nutrients by consuming variety of foods. It is also essential to go slow when changing the body positions. Eating small, low-carbohydrate meals is also an effective treatment for low blood pressure. Eat several small portions throughout the day, but avoid high-carbohydrate foods such as breads, pastas, rice, potatoes and so on. Avoid drinking alcohol and caffeinated beverages as they are dehydrating, and can lower the blood pressure. Drink plenty of water as it combats dehydration and increases blood volume. Some home treatments for low blood pressure include using Indian Spikenard, Epsom salts bath and beetroot. It is also beneficial to exercise regularly as it promotes blood flow. If you have symptoms of low BP, do not take long hot baths, and do not strain while in the toilet.

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