What are the Causes of Low Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the walls of arteries while pumping the blood and during the resting position. Heart beat, temperature, rate of breathing and blood pressure are vital signs of life. The pressure of blood circulated by the heart is regulated by the response of arteries to the blood flow.

Blood pressure is represented as the ratio of systolic/diastolic pressure. Systolic pressure represents the pressure inside arteries when the heart contracts and pumps blood. Diastolic pressure is the pressure inside arteries when heart relaxes after contracting.

Various Causes of Low Blood Pressure

The normal range of systolic pressure lies in the range of 90-120 mm/Hg for healthy adults, and diastolic pressure ideal range is 60-80 mm/Hg. If the lower blood pressure is too low, the oxygen and nutrients supply to brain and other vital organs is not adequate, resulting in improper functioning, and in certain cases, permanent damage of the organs. The low blood pressure is defined by signs and symptoms associated with low blood supply.

Dehydration is one of the most common causes of low blood pressure. Dehydration is common among the people suffering from prolonged diarrhea, vomiting and nausea. If the water is not replenished, large amounts of water is lost from the body due to vomiting and diarrhea. Heat exhaustion, excessive sweating and fever are other causes of dehydration.

Another cause of low blood pressure is the moderate or severe bleeding, as it can rapidly deplete the blood from the body. Bleeding can be caused due to trauma, gastrointestinal abnormalities or surgical complications. At times, the bleeding can be so rapid or severe that it can cause shock or even death.

Severe inflammation of internal organs, such as acute pancreatitis can also be the cause of low blood pressure. The blood pressure can also drop due to weakened heart muscles, Pericarditis, pulmonary embolism, slow heart rate, or abnormally fast heart rate.

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There are certain medications that can be the cause of low blood pressure. These medications include beta blockers, calcium channel brokers and digoxin. Vasovagal reaction is another cause of low blood pressure, and is a condition where a normal person develops the slow heart rate, low blood pressure and at times, fainting. The reaction is caused due to emotion of pain or fear such as starting the intravenous infusion, having blood drawn or due to gastrointestinal upset.

Some of the other causes of low blood pressure include postural hypotension, micturition syncope, adrenal insufficiency, septicemia and anaphylaxis.

There are many dangers of low blood pressure if it drops below a certain level. When the blood pressure drops, the sudden change can cause the interruption in the supply of the blood to the heart, brain and kidneys, and can prove fatal.

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