What are the Dangers of Low Blood Pressure

People often think that high blood pressure is a problem, however, if the blood pressure drops suddenly, it can be life threatening. Blood pressure is the force with which heart pumps the blood into arteries. Depending on the time of the day, type of food we eat and stress level, the blood pressure levels vary.

Dangers of Low Blood Pressure

Some of the most common dangers of low blood pressure are blurred vision, nausea, dizziness and fainting. It is normal to have low blood pressure without these symptoms, however if the blood pressure drops suddenly, it can be very dangerous.

One of the biggest dangers of low blood pressure is that when the drop is sudden, the heart, brain and other vital organs do not get the required amount of blood. This can hamper the proper functioning of the organs, and they can even get permanently damaged. The lack of oxygen can also cause black outs, especially when sitting up or standing up suddenly after lying down. This is also referred to as orthostatic hypotension.

It is important to understand that the dangers of low blood pressure are as serious as those of high blood pressure or hypertension. Very few people realize that the patients of hypertension suddenly become hyposensitive, without warning. Most patients who have low blood pressure have a difficult challenge to get their blood pressure to rise.

The best way to evaluate the dangers of low blood pressure is to check the pressure while the patient is sleeping, and. Then incline the bed at 65-degrees, and check the blood pressure again. In the healthy individual, at the slope of 65 degrees, the blood pressure falls, but it immediately returns to normal. But for people suffering from low blood pressure, it can take several minutes or hours to normalize, and there is a possibility that it will never come back to normal.

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To avoid the dangers of low blood pressure, it is important to make few changes in the diet and daily lifestyle. If your job involves standing for long hours, the gravity pulls the blood in lower extremities. A pair of tight or fishnet stocking can greatly help. If you feel experience blood pressure before or after the meal, drink a cup of coffee. It is also beneficial to drink plenty of water, avoid smoking and alcohol, get regular exercise, and eliminate stress.

It is important to measure your blood pressure accurately. If you are using the blood pressure monitor at home, make sure that you take the readings correctly and you are able to interpret the results.

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