An Explanation Of What the Significance Of Normal Blood Pressure Range Is

Because of the fact that most Americans suffer from high blood pressure problems it has certainly become a lot more necessary for every American to understand and know what normal blood pressure range is all about. Unfortunately, however, each individual will have their unique blood pressure readings and these will vary even if they do not suffer from hypertension. Another interesting fact related to understanding normal blood pressure range is that blood pressure tends to rise in the early hours of the morning and will be at its lowest at night.

Changes In Blood Pressure

The more active a person is the more it is likely that their blood pressure will rise and in addition how healthy or otherwise a person’s kidneys are too can affect the blood pressure readings. In fact, a person’s body position too can affect their blood pressure and so it pays to look at several factors before assessing your normal blood pressure range.

At present, normal blood pressure range is believed to be 120 (systolic pressure) and 80 (diastolic pressure.) When the systolic blood pressure reading rises to between one hundred and thirty and one hundred and thirty-nine the reading will be considered high while reading of between 99 (systolic) and 64 (diastolic) is considered as being low blood pressure readings. However, these same low readings are considered as normal blood pressure range when they relate to children and even athletes.

In fact, over the recent past what is considered the normal blood pressure range has undergone certain changes on account of new research findings on how blood pressure affects a person’s health. What’s more, the fact is that children as well as infants will have a normal blood pressure range that is considerably lower than in the case of adults. Furthermore, in the industrialized world the normal blood pressure range tends to rise as people age.

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It will certainly be a good idea to buy a home blood pressure monitor which can be used on a daily basis at fixed times to get a reading on your blood pressure. Since blood pressure varies throughout the day you can get a fix on your true blood pressure by checking for it each day at the same time which is a far better way of assessing your blood pressure than visiting a doctor occasionally to get a reading done.

In regard to normal blood pressure for men, it has been found that the blood pressure will change according to activities being performed by men and also according to state of their bodies. It is certainly recommended knows your blood pressure by having regular check-ups done – either at home or at a doctor’s office.

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