Know What Normal Blood Pressure for Men Is, and How It Changes

Because both men and women have a tendency to suffer from high blood pressure it certainly makes a lot of sense to find out more about how to keep their blood pressure under control. Not only are there an estimated over sixty-five million Americans suffering from high blood pressure but millions more are at risk of joining these ranks. In fact, more than fifty percent of Americans aged sixty or above have high blood pressure and the risk of developing high blood pressure for a normal American male is about ninety percent.

Age Matters

When it concerns finding out what normal blood pressure for men is the first thing that you need to understand is that as you age the chances of developing a blood pressure condition rises. In fact, it is hard to maintain normal blood pressure for men in the case of males that have attained their mid-forties age as their blood pressure levels will show a tendency of rising above normal. Then again, if you are an African-American male, you could again lose your ability to maintain normal blood pressure for men even while you are quite young because it has been found that African-American males tend to develop high blood pressure at a younger age.

Obesity and even a family history of high blood pressure are other reasons why men need to start worrying that they no longer are able to maintain blood pressure that is normal for men. What’s more, high blood pressure in both men and women is a serious condition that can even develop and affect you for many years before you even become aware that you have a problem. In fact, an estimated one third of Americans suffer from high blood pressure without knowing about the problem.

The good news is that you can take heart from the fact that it is easy to maintain normal blood pressure for men by taking a few precautions. With these precautionary measures it is possible to maintain normal blood pressure for men which are believed to be a reading of 120/80 with the first number related to systolic pressure while the second number relates to diastolic blood pressure.

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Furthermore, pre-hypertension among men is any systolic reading of between one hundred and twenty and one hundred and thirty-nine and a diastolic reading of between eighty and eighty nine. Systolic readings refer to when the heart beats while diastolic readings refer to a resting heart.

Hypertension in men occurs when their blood pressure readings show systolic reading of one hundred and forty and diastolic reading of ninety.

It is also necessary to understand normal blood pressure for women. In fact, women in their mid-fifties will generally have higher risk of developing high blood pressure as compared to their male counterparts. This is why keeping a close tab on their blood pressure levels is so necessary.

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