Normal Blood Pressure for Women Is Different to That Of Men’s Blood Pressure Levels

If you are a woman that wishes to learn more about what normal blood pressure for women is then you might want to try using Heart360™ that is an online resource that has helped many women manage their hearts and its blood pressure levels. Heart360™ is really a number of tools that help women track as well as monitor their blood pressure and even their cholesterol and blood glucose levels.

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To use Heart360™ to learn about normal blood pressure for women you have to first enter some pertinent information into a tool which will over a period of time help you create a very useful profile of the current state of your health.

Most women believe that there is need to find out how to maintain blood pressure that is normal for women. Unfortunately, as yet doctors have not been able to understand the precise reasons why women (and even males) suffer from high blood pressure. Of course, the common conception is that not being able to maintain blood pressure that is normal for women is a result of lack of exercise, overwork, frequent cocktail lunches and smoking as well as eating the wrong foods.

It is also believed that of the estimated more than seventy million Americans that suffer from high blood pressure more than half of them are women and more worryingly only a very tiny percentage of them that are not able to maintain normal blood pressure for women are actually able to even get their high blood pressure condition treated adequately.

In any case, blood pressure that is normal for women is believed to be a reading of 117/74 in which the first number is the systolic reading (when the heart beats) and the second number is the diastolic reading (when the heart is resting). It is quite normal to find that maintaining blood pressure that is normal for women becomes harder when women become nervous or excited though fortunately when these feelings pass the readings will return to normal once more.

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Blood pressure reading that is normal for women is in fact different than is the case with men and is actually 117/74. And, when the reading is 120-139/80-89 doctors will perhaps have to treat this pre-hypertension reading with medications to bring the levels back into the blood pressure range that is normal for women. Readings of 140/90 or more are a reason to be alarmed which is when doctors will recommend taking of drug therapies and making changes to lifestyle in order to regain normal blood pressure readings for women.

It is important that both men and women do their best to maintain normal blood pressure levels. The simple truth is that high blood pressure in either gender can lead to strokes and heart attacks and because such a condition is not easily identifiable it is also known as a silent killer. Keeping tabs on your blood pressure on a regular basis is one what to find out whether your blood pressure is at normal levels or elevated or even depressed.

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