There are Many Benefits to Using A Normal Blood Pressure Chart

There is a rising incidence of deaths among Americans that are directly attributable to suffering from elevated blood pressure conditions. This means that today every American needs to understand what normal blood pressure levels are and how is it possible to achieve a state where their blood pressure does not exceed or fall below desired levels. Many different methods have been tried out by, among others, the American Heart Association and National Heart Lung and Blood Institute or NHLBI of the National Institutes of Health or NIH to defeat this silent killer of a disease and the level of awareness regarding blood pressure (normal, high and low) too has also increased. Identifying a blood pressure problem has become much easier today which is certainly good news for everyone.

Find Out About Different Blood Pressure Levels

An important factor in combating high blood pressure and even low blood pressure problems is to make use of a normal blood pressure chart that elucidates the different levels of blood pressure that a person may have at any given point of time in the day or even at any point of time in their lives. There are certainly several important benefits to be had by consulting a normal blood pressure chart.

First of all, the normal blood pressure chart helps you to understand all the facts related to the different kinds of blood pressure readings and this chart also helps to show the different ranges of normal, high and low blood pressure and this means learning about what normal range is and also when you are vulnerable to diseases and also when the blood pressure readings point to imminent danger to your health.

There are generally four separate blood pressure readings shown by a normal blood pressure chart that include normal blood pressure and also stage-2 elevated blood pressure. In addition, the normal blood pressure chart can also reveal cases of hypertension as well as hypotension and furthermore a normal blood pressure chart can also help you know what to do when the readings reveal a case of high or even low blood pressure levels.

If you consult the normal blood pressure chart and you see readings of systolic blood pressure at 120 mm Hg accompanied by diastolic blood pressure reading of 80 or less, then your blood pressure is normal. On the other hand, a systolic reading of between 120 and 139 mm Hg and diastolic reading of between eighty and eighty-nine mm Hg reveals a pre-hypertension problem.

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Readings of systolic 140 – 159 mm Hg and diastolic 90 – 99 mm Hg shows that you are suffering from stage 1 hypertension while readings above 160 mm Hg (systolic) and above 100 mm Hg (diastolic) show a stage 2 hypertension case for which immediate and serious remedies need to be found.

When studying normal blood pressure for kids, it is necessary to be sure to understand that the readings for children need to be interpreted differently than when studying readings for adults. It means that parents must understand that the readings related to their kids’ blood pressure tend to be lower than for adults and that this fact should be understood in order to properly assess their kids’ blood pressure levels.

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